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July 2022
For our July newsletter, from ReBoot Co. we continue our Transformation blog with the intriguing reasons why your Agile advocates do better when you form into a group. We also have a broad pick and mix of topics contributed from the team, everything from Product Techniques to Design Thinking colliding with Tech Delivery, Workplace Trends (again) and Organisational Structures. Something for everyone this month!
March 2022
For our March newsletter ReBoot Co. consultant and coach Damian Heffernan asks “Who’s your customer?” and also we continue our Transformation blog series pondering “Why Do We Need Transforming anyway? If you’ve ever thought of Code as good or bad we hear about why bad code exists and just for fun we go visit some Agile Method prisons…and more!
February 2022
The first newsletter for 2022! With a feature article on Managing & Measuring Your Transformation Success, an alternative to story points, the blurring of roles on product teams, the case against prioritisation frameworks, a toolkit for creating team psychological safety, how cis-white-men can be allies to marginalised groups, the dangers of measuring individual performance on teams…. and more!
December 2021
The last newsletter for the year - and as we draw to a close we have articles on tackling uncertainty, challenges for women heading into 2022, how to say ‘No’, why agility isn’t about speed, integrating UX into scrum… and Xmas specials!
November 2021
Bring life to your transformation with ceremonies & feedback loops, the common cost of delivering under pressure, Eliyahu Goldratt's evaporating cloud technique, asynchronous vs synchronous collaboration, and what hybrid working means for leaders, also Kanban boards and productivity, ageism in tech, and how a team turned poor Scrum practices around… and more!
October 2021
This edition we look into the why’s and how’s of Portfolio/Program Kanban, the need for an common understanding of ‘done’, how to introduce organisational change that sticks, “big tech” and the absence of Scrum, the low-down on #NoEstimates, how to make tech less “bloke-y”, and why product owners write terrible backlog items…. and more!
September 2021
The importance of Focus, future proofing with adaptability, why tracking velocity leads to tech debt, tackling problems in scrum teams, why you should hire for EQ in tech teams, and a technique for equal input in meetings… and more!