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The Weekly ReBoot - feat. Igor Goulko, DevOps Talks conference founder
This week I interviewed Igor Goulko the founder of DevOps Talks Conference, I really like the thinking behind the conference, it’s single track and tech and non-tech people sit together and listen to all levels of talk, from the Exec level to the extremely tech level, thus helping to bridge the gaps of understanding.
The Weekly ReBoot - The Agile Godfather, Nigel Dalton
Today a very very special episode of the podcast, I caught up with Nigel Dalton in literally the smallest cafe in Melbourne to talk about what it means to be Superproductive.
The Weekly ReBoot - Mini Hack #24 Different Ways to Hack
This weeks mini hack is all about Different ways to have hack events!
The Weekly ReBoot - Mini Hack #23 Lean Coffee
This weeks mini hack is all about Lean Coffee. https://leancoffee.org/
The Weekly ReBoot - Mini Hack #22 Putting on your Waste Goggles
This week a mini hack about putting on your waste goggles to help you identify and eradicate waste! The seven deadly wastes as identified by Taiichi Ohno for The Toyota Production system.
The Weekly ReBoot - Mini Hack #21 Icebreakers PLUS News just in!
Today’s mini-hack episode contains valuable Icebreakers, help you warm up any room before a meeting, workshop or offsite.
The Weekly ReBoot - Mini Hack #20 The Rules of Brainstorming
Another mini hack today which is from the Design Thinking body of knowledge and the masters of Design Thinking - IDEO, and that is The Rules of Brainstorming.
The Weekly ReBoot - Mini Hack #19 The Art of the Reflective Pause
Today we have another mini hack episode for you and it’s about the Art of the reflective pause. I was part of running a big workshop last week where I witnessed on several occasions the power of reflective pauses, something that if you run a lot of workshops you might be accustomed to doing. This is a powerful tool and worthy of a mention!
The Weekly ReBoot - Mini Hack #18 Increase Team Performance
This week another mini hack, and this week it’s a simple thing you could do to increase your team’s performance. Full of step by step instructions and lots of tips and goodies to try for your team.