The Weekly ReBoot - Mini Hack #12 Reflection
The Weekly ReBoot your regular Friday de-brief of things we’ve heard and seen coming from the Agile Community here in Melbourne and beyond.
This week a mini hack that’s about Reflection! The importance of reflection for learning and 3 nifty ways to get more reflection in your life and your team life!
> This was the link to the article that drew me into answering these 6 questions daily and had me not only happier but learning more about myself. Give it a try for a week and see how you go!
> Here’s the link to Heart of Agile - it has ‘Reflect’ as a headline ‘way’.
> Here are the three hacks to get more reflection happening in your teams:
Ask for a few minutes reflection in a session, and if you can’t get those few minutes then as a reflective question like “Someone remind me what happened and why we made that decision back then”
Set it up as a daily habit, use a tool like Slack and a slackbot to remind you daily to answer it
At the end of a session or workshop save a few moments for shared reflection, either set it up yourself or get into the head of the meeting facilitator to save you a few minutes so you can go around the room and reflect.
ReBoot Co. is an Org transformation partner that helps you and your teams discover a better way of working. We can help improve your workflows, delivery, product development - we can even help with your own facilitation of improving working if you are unsure where to start!
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