The Weekly ReBoot - feat. Hannah Browne!

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Well, here’s something that’s coming from the Agile community, Hannah Browne has left Cevo. 

Hannah Browne was interviewed by me in November of 2017 when she was the GM of Cevo. She is very active in the Australian tech community and her mission is about building and growing companies. In 2017 Cevo was two years old and 30 people strong, bigger and stronger now Hannah has decided to move on, but I wanted to re-play this interview and hear again what makes Hannah tick. I love catching up with Hannah she’s a force for good things, for women in tech and for tech leadership in general and I’m very interested to see where she goes next. 

Hannah Browne was the GM of Cevo since its beginnings in 2015 and is passionate about making Melbourne a technology mecca, she is a vibrant and ambitious technology leader and her energy is infectious. 

Hannah spoke at Girl Geek Dinner in 2017 on The Gender pay gap which was an open and generous talk you can see here.

I caught up with her to talk about that and lots of other things about being a leader of a rapidly growing technology organisation.

We talked about the HBR article about Men and Women being treated differently here is the blog I mentioned that linked to that article. And the original HBR Article.  

Malcolm Gladwell's The Tipping Point: 

Today’s episode is brought to you by LAST conference, LAST stands for Lean Agile Systems Thinking and the theme this year is Find your Edge, It will be jammed packed full of fantastic talks and workshops from the our community that will help you find your edge, it will be on in Melbourne on the 30th of July and you can register for your tickets at /

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The Weekly ReBoot - Mini Hack #11 Good Enough is Good Enough


The Weekly ReBoot - feat. Neil Killick!