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6 October 2020
Different approaches to Product Roadmaps and Scrum are two of the topics explored in this edition, as well as how to get Product Owners on board with refactoring, what makes a good manager, and what is the key to Agility…
22 September 2020
A range of themes are covered in this edition - from Agile, its origins to techniques in project forecasting, employee mental health, seemingly innocuous illustration styles… to the human desire to categorize.
8 September 2020
Innovation, experimentation and constant improvement are the standout themes of this edition - the mindsets required, how ideas are developed and spread, to the way organisations and their teams are structured.
21 August 2020
In this edition we look at responding to and surviving sudden rapid change in the market, the No #1 blocker that holds teams back, innovating for customers, and what happens when you say… No!
7 August 2020
In this edition we look into some of the more obscure challenges of remote working, the re-thinking around what makes for a good organisation, and the holy - or not so holy - grail of mircroservices.
22 July 2020
In this edition we feature a range of topics key to navigating business both today, and in the future. We also introduce a new section to our NEWSletter… a JOB BOARD!
7 July 2020
What makes, or rather will make in a post COVID world, a successful organisation? We look into rapidly changing markets and the challenges of addressing customer needs, as well as the shift in expectations around leadership.
22 June 2020
As we emerge from lockdown there is much to be considered. From where and how we work, who we work with in terms of diversity, our mental health, and will our products, in a world that’s irrevocably changed, continue to deliver value to customers?
9 June 2020
As restrictions start to lift post COVID-19 lockdown we find ourselves in a world where a technological revolution has kicked off massive change in our lives in many ways, none moreso than in regard to our work.