Holiday reading and watching from the ReBoot Co. team December 2022

In this special blog post the ReBoot Co. team has created a list of books and videos we’ll be catching up on over the holidays. We thought we’d share and hope you might find something of interest during the break.

The Search Conference’ , is a book I bought and something I got into early this year after joining the Open Systems Thinking meetup group called ‘Systems at play’ It’s about a Method for participative planning to use for the complete re-design and co-design of more effective organisations. I haven’t read it yet so I must!

I am also likely to be reading over and over many edits of the 1st draft of my own book about Authentic Agile Transformations that will be published in the first quarter of 2023. It’s a little bit tormenting writing a book, a long held bucket list item of mine, but I have a lot of help from a wonderful coach and publisher who makes it really enjoyable and productive.

l watch a lot of streaming stuff on various subscriptions, some quality, some garbage. However something ‘super wholesome’ I love is this Portugal based camp of young europeans who have set up a sustainable living experiment called Project Kamp

Other wholesome watching is Beau Miles on YouTube his self made films are excellent and I highly recommend his book The Backyard Adventurer

I will finish Jarvis Cockers great book Good Pop Bad Pop about various items he has collected through his life, many with a story behind them.
A book I feel I’ve neglected, The Creativity Formula which I have picked up a few times that I need to focus on (I think I’ve had it for 3/4 years!) as it has such a rich variety of creativity booster techniques.

A somewhat polarising mix of the Die Hard films and Dan Olsen’s Lean product YouTube channel.


A captivating book I started during a previous holiday: Shantaram, from Gregory David Roberts, telling his incredible story.

Nothing! screens will be off!


Mind to Matter by Dawson Church; Quite a scientific read that I’ve been meaning to get to for a while.

This is Us It brings out all the feels.


The Toymakers by Robert Dinsdale and re-reading an old favourite The Adventures of Tom Sawyer which is available for free for my Kindle from Project Gutenberg.

Also Hannah Green and Her Unfeasibly Mundane Existence by one of my all time favourite authors Michael Marshall Smith.

Daybreak on the streaming. Just started it and not sure whether I think it’s good yet but I’ll see how I go.



Watching/ Listening


The Strength of Hope by Abram Goldberg - an Auschwitz survivor living in Melbourne that promised his mother that if he survived, he would tell what happened.

For the holidays, am running through a list of classics with the kids - including favourites Elf, National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation, How the Grinch Stole Christmas (both versions), Klaus, Scrooged, the Nightmare Before Christmas.

That’s it for now- hope to see you in the new year!

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