Agile Australia Circles - VIDEO The Importance of Collaboration & Autonomy to the speed of adapting

Agile Australia Circles is Agile Australia conference’s pivot to an on-line format that was invented when it became clear in March that the Melbourne Agile Australia conference could no longer take place. It’s a moving feast of industry peers and experts providing a place for discussion and learning. Generously provided for FREE! there are already seventeen circles in and there are more to come in 2020, so ensure you Register Here so you don’t miss out.

Upcoming circles program can be found here.

Alex spoke at Agile Aus Circles in August on the speed of adapting, a talk that built on a blog, born of a time in 2020 when the whole world was adapting at speed in the grip of Covid-19.

Watch the video of the talk below!



All I want for Christmas is down time


The Importance of Collaboration & Autonomy to the Speed of Adapting