Stand up, work better together

Whenever I walk around the office at 10 in the morning I feel a warm glow. It’s because most people in the department are standing up. We run daily Stand-ups for all of our projects

They are a highly effective tool for improving communication on project teams, my project managers are never a day away from knowing the health of their projects. I love Stand-ups because they are virtually free to implement and you can implement them for any project or team, whether agile or otherwise.

When I came to the company I started using daily Stand-ups on the project I was managing, one other PM was already doing them for her project. Eighteen months later they are part of the departmental culture, it’s how we work. When people from other departments ask me “why is everyone standing up?” I’m really happy to tell them and pass on the tool to them.

Simple tools that have such a powerful outcome are my favourites.

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